Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Good Critic bad Critic

Upon viewing this great work of art, the very first thing that caught my glance was the background. The background is very artistic which is supposed to represent the 1920s. The picture is eye catching as well. The red border gives a color scheme relevant with the color of the font (matching the "RCHS" red) as well. The quote reflects the RCHS theme of working hard and excelling in life on the road to success. Overall great work, and I would definitely vote for it to be the RCHS yearbook cover.

First of all, the red around the picture takes the attention away from the picture. It's way too overpowering. I don't like the color scheme. The background with white and red, no, there's a huge color clash.
I think you need to add more, it feels a bit empty. The font is just average, try to find something a bit different, or at least add italics to make it look more fancy.

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